American hegemony is as a result of the need to preserve the American culture and not a premeditated policy to conquer other parts of the world. Under threat from Marxist forces, the US engaged in a Cold War with Russia until 1992. During this era, the US fought proxy wars against Marxist elements across the globe (Keohane, 1991). It supported brutal dictatorships and oppressive regimes that toed the capitalist line but gave lip service to democracy. These measures ensured such states remained loyal to the US.
With the end of the Cold War, US stopped supporting undemocratic leaders and a vigorous campaign to fully democratize the political process in its spheres of influence was implemented. However, geo-strategic interests have and continue to complicate US foreign policy in some regions. American policies favor the state of Israel despite Israels use of military force against the state of Palestine (Keohane, 1991. The oppression of the Palestinian people and the damage inflicted by Israeli troops on innocent civilians belies the democratic principles the US stands for. In North Korea and Iran, US foreign policy is informed by the hostile nature of these states. Trade sanctions and diplomatic pressure initiated by the US has led to economic hardships and suffering in these nations.
In conclusion, the need to preserve the American way of life has forced the US government to adopt policies that go against its cherished principles. Failure to act tough on foreign policy matters will see the emergence of belligerent state and non-state actors powerful enough to jeopardize American interests and threaten world peace.
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