Theodicy and Hegel Hegels Reason and the Philosophy of History

Hegelian theodicy is grounded on a basic assumption that the world history is guided by Reason. There is no better entity or element to control everything in the world except for Reason. As stated directly from the text, Thus Reason is the substance of our historic world in the sense that it is that whereby and wherein all reality has its being and subsistence (Hegel 13). Whatever is happening in the world since time and memorial it is a product of the unfolding of the Reasons towards its general and ideal plan. The world therefore is ruled by reason. Wars, diplomacy, deaths and innovations are made possible because of the reasons power and capability.

Whatever we witnessed in the world today and whatever we read about the world in the past, it is made possible by reason. According to Hegel, The truth, then, that there is a divine providence presiding over the events of the world, corresponds to the stated principle for divine providence is wisdom with infinite power, realizing its own ends, i.e., the absolute, rational end-goal of the world (15-16). The world is having a journey guided by reason towards its goal. Contrasting this kind of reason to a kind of reason that was founded by mere abstraction, Hegel pointed out that the reason that he is talking about is actually manifesting in the real world rather than being stuck in the abstraction of the mind (16).

The idea of the domination of Reason is not a Hegelian invention. In fact, it was mentioned in the text that this idea was first seen in Anaxogoras, a Greek pre-Socratic philosopher who believes that nous or mind or Reason in our case rules the world. However, despite the great idea of Anaxogoras, there was a short fall between his initial idea and  to his practical application on how and why things act the way it acts (15).

The other earlier idea which also committed a short fall is the equation of Reason to providence. Though providence implies the same important concepts as to reason such as chance and other external contingencies, it still had a short fall. For Hegel, providence does not advance any conclusion. Just like Anaxagoras earlier concept, it does not apply to the totality of things nor to the history of mankind as a whole. Hegel believed that to explain history, one must be able to explain the passions and activity of a character. However, providence does not give a room for this idea, as Hegel stated, This definiteness of providence is what is usually taken for its plan. Yet it is this very plan that is supposed to be hidden from our view, so that we would be presumptuous to want to understand it. (16)

Ivan Karamasov and the  Role of Reason in the History of Human
Examining this Hegelian perspective to what was written in The Brothers Karamazarov of Fyodor Dostoyevsky, we can see a very clear contrast between Ivan and Hegel. As Ivan did not deny the existence of God, he was skeptical to the acclaimed providence of God to the affairs of mankind and to the general history of the world. In the part entitled Mutiny  he outlined and defined different real life events that will make every person to doubt Gods will and guidance on the history of mankind. With the different crimes of humanity especially on children that Ivan had mentioned, we cannot blame anyone if he or she will doubt if Reason really dominate and guide the flow of history of mankind.

Ivan gave different accounts to prove his point of the cynicism and evil that is surrounding the world. Among these accounts is the evil that were directed to women and innocent children. The Turks for example who tormented children will cut the babies out of their mothers wombs and will be thrown in the air catching them with a bayonet with their parents watching (Dostoyevsky 274). Another account Ivan told is the story of the serf boy who happened to bruise the generals beagle. The boy was seized and locked up for one night. The next morning, the boy was undressed and ordered to run in the forest to be hunted by the generals men and animals. In front of the boys mother, these things happened wherein the boy was torn down by the generals dogs ( 279).

For Ivan, the role of reason and God interfering in human affairs is questionable. With all the evil happening in the world with women and children and other innocent people became victims of it, it is hard to believe how come God had permitted it to happen.

Reflection and Conclusion
With these strong and pragmatic accusations against the Hegelian doctrine on the important role of reason in the affairs of the history of mankind, Hegel could answer this criticism by establishing that whatever evil is happening in the history of mankind can still be interpreted as a part of the historys unfolding towards its end goal. We must note that for Hegel, the history is slowly unfolding towards its end goal that was assigned by God himself. We had witness in our life time or even in the accounts and scriptures thousands of years before us how humanity had managed to develop. We have liberated women and make them an equal as men. We abolished slavery. We are fighting and doing our best against cases genocides and other crimes against humanity. Evil is part of the history of the world that will help itself to develop from something that is crude to something that is noble. However, despite the occurrence of evil in the history of mankind, Reason and providence does not permit for the evil to outmatch good. Evil will never be equal to good.

From this debate of two great ideas over the issue of theodicy, it will be more compellable to side with the optimism of Hegel. Aside from the promise of a more ideal future with the history unfolding its self up to its end, we can really witness in the world how history had developed bringing improvement and goodness to the humankind. Despite events of world wars, humanitarian crimes and other attacks on humans and its properties, we see how the world is taking a comeback from the nightmare that we experienced. Oppressors of the past for example like Germany, Japan and Russia which are unimaginable to contribute to the general good of society are now helping this world a better place to live. Despite history of oppression and violence, many former aggressors are making its way towards reconciliation. It is possible that Reason is doing this to us, consciously. This could be a project of reason for us to witness how we will rise to the occasion, appreciating the good that we experienced today despite of our misfortunes in the past.

Though it is easy to be attracted to Ivans cynicism and skepticism to the goodness of the world, it is hard to imagine and think that humans are condemned to experience endless suffering. What we read in Ivans account are particular cases of history of individuals rather than the general history of the world seen in a bigger perspective. As we had tried to prove above, these evils exist for the good to be able to be appreciated and to make a room for the journey and continuous unfolding of reason towards it end goal.

In case Hegel was wrong and Ivan was right about the real nature of the world, what will we do Are we going to accept the fact that evil is everywhere and inevitable. I guess not. Deep within the human veins is the natural instinct and desire to improve his or her self and everything around him or her, it does not matter if the universe and the history itself is against this goal and dream for a harmonious world, with a strong belief and passion that it may happen  it may happen.


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