Research Paper on Cultural Background
Culture is a very broad word. It may be in the form of exceptional sense in fashion and arts or a pattern of behaviors and beliefs that makes social learning interesting. As we all know, culture is simply a set of practices that makes up a group or society.
In ancient times, people have gathered up and formed groups which they can refer to as family. Others call it colony, while others refer to it as clan. However, we can all sum it up as tribes. Activities, beliefs, attitudes, and values made up these tribes. In addition to this, the similarities in physical aspect contributed in forming these tribes. Tribes are grouped according to their race. Tribes also vary in terms of their practices, beliefs, and traditions. But one thing that these tribes have in common is the bond that they have with each other, and how they maintain the legacy of their culture, passing it one generation to another.
It has been the sociologists, historians, anthropologists, and other researchers calling to study culture. In this way, they provide us the information and the fact that these tribes existed years ago and if they still continue to strive to co-exist with the rest of us. Some tribes may be found only in the books these days but there are objects that they used before that can make us feel the richness of their stories. Researchers intend to preserve objects from the past in order for us to visualize how they lived before. Their preservation demonstrates recognition of the necessity of the part and of things that tell its story (Tanselle, G.T. 1998).
It is also interesting to see how they cope up with this day and age, where technology leads us to a more modern lifestyle. This research paper aims to show my readers my familys cultural heritage, their practices, traditions, and beliefs, and how they go along with the modern lifestyle we have. Also, I want my reader to know how tribes vary or how similar they are when it comes to their practices and beliefs.
The Lumbee of North Carolina
Lumbee is known as the name of a river along the Robeson County in North Carolina where the tribe originally settled down. According to historians, Lumbee is defined as lumber, which the tribe made for a living during the early 19th century. The far-reaching lumber trade made that led to creating the name.
Originally, the Lumbees are referred to as Croatan Indians. After several attempts of possessing a federal recognition from the community, it was only in the year 1956 where they are recognized as American Indians. Being recognized is fair enough, however, they do not have independence rights because they are not federally recognized.
The Lumbees has mixed origins because North Carolina is a home for Algonquian Indian bands such as Pamlico, Hatteras, and Croatan, as well as Siouan Indians such as Cheraw and Catawba. After the spread of small pox malady, survivors merged and made their best to strive day by day.
English has been the Lumbees term of communication. Although ancestors have mastered the Carolina Algonquian language, they are also introduced to Carolina Siouan language. For some years, the Lumbees suffered prejudice because their history was not well documented (Stilling, G. E. S. 1998). Carolina Siouan language was not recorded properly that is why they adapted to the English language.
When it comes to Lumbees clothing, they are inspired by their mixed origins. Croatans are known to wear beaded headbands with a feather or two. The Cheraws, on the other hand, wore knee-length skirts for women and breechcloths for men. Tattoos are common among men and women.
Cooking is one of the favorite pastimes of the Lumbee women. They are expert cooks of soups, stews, and cornbreads. Farming and hunting are their primary occupation. Women farm foods like beans, corns, and squash. While the men hunt for deers, turkeys, and other animals in the forest.
Powwow or pow-wow is the Lumbees favorite tradition. It is a gathering held from one to three days where Native Americans sing, dance, and even socialize. Non-Native Americans are also welcome to the gathering. Dance competitions are held and best group is even rewarded with a cash prize. Storytelling is also a famous past time for the Lumbees. In this way, elders pass on stories, myths, and legends among the young ones.
Basketry, jewelry-making, and woodcarving are the Lumbees arts and crafts. The expertise in woodcarving originated due to their early form of lumber trade. The abundance in lumber made the Lumbees able to explore their talent in woodcarving.
Lumbee religion is somehow complicated because of its mixed origins. Mostly, Lumbees are either Methodists or Baptists. However, Lumbee groups are formed which later on decided to form different church divisions. Now, there are four church categories for the Lumbees The Burnt Swamp Baptist Association, the North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church, the Lumber River Holiness Methodist Conference, and non-affiliated.
The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
Cherokee is a Muskogee word that means speakers of another language. Before, they are referred to as the Aniyunwiya or the principal people but presently, the Cherokee term is accepted. Unlike the Lumbees, the Cherokees are a federally recognized tribe in North Carolina. As a matter of fact, there are three federally recognized Cherokee tribes wherein they have their own laws and government. The other two tribes that are federally recognized are the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma and the United Keetoowah Band in Oklahoma.
Cherokees are known to speak Cherokee Indian Language. This language is complex and must be spoken with soft sounds. However, at the moment, most of the Cherokee people converse using the English language. Along with their Indian language, a Cherokee scholar named Sequoyah, formulate a writing system called syllabary. On the other hand, Cherokees used the English alphabet today because it is much easier to write.
Cherokee men play a big role in making political decisions for the tribe while the women are trusted in making social decisions. Before, men are only the ones allowed to become Chiefs. Men are also in charged building army for war and dealing with diplomacy. Traditionally, women are only in charged in taking care of the family while men are out hunting and fishing.
Tribal tattoos are common for the Cherokee men while accessories such as beaded necklaces are common for women. Just like the Lumbees, breechcloth and leggings are traditional wear for men while wrap-around skirts and cape-style blouses are for women. Cherokees are not known for wearing headdresses. Usually, men shaved their heads while women have long hairs. Having long hairs, women only cut their hair short as a sign of mourning for a loved one.
Again, just like any other tribes, Cherokees spend their time storytelling. This is an activity traditionally passed on. The tribes tales, myths and legends are introduced to the younger generation in the form of storytelling.
Crops such as corn, beans, and sunflowers are harvested by the Cherokee farmers. Berries, nuts, and other fruits are also foraged by them as an addition to their menu. Just like the Lumbees, they are experts in cooking stews, cornbreads, and soups. They cook it on stone hearths. Men hunt for deer and wild turkeys using bows and arrows and they also fished in the rivers near their villages using spears and fishing poles.
When it comes to weaponry, warriors used spears or melee weapons as well as arrows. Flint knives, wooden hoes, and hand axes are their tools in everyday lives. They use to make baskets and pots for their use in farming and cooking. As part of their crafts, Cherokees were able to produce river cane basket. Skills in pottery, pipe-carving, and beadworks are later on developed by the people.
The main religion for the Cherokees is Christian. Many of the traditional religious practices of the Eastern Band have become blended with new age views and customs ( Online, 2010). Like many native tribes, Cherokees traditionally performs dances and other ceremonies.
As recognition of the tribe, they keep a museum where artifacts are preserved, telling the Cherokee history, its tradition, culture and practices.
Having two different cultural backgrounds, I can say that it does not feel different at all. Coming from both Native American cultures, my predominant tribes settled both in North Carolina.
Characteristics of people are almost the same when it comes to their love for the tribe. Even the traditions and the early form of lifestyle is very much the same. Native American people are head strong and extremely determined in main stream society as well as in cultural life. We share a true love for the people and the earth and everything it produces. We are taught not to waste what the earth produces, instead, we are taught to take good care of them and not to abuse it. We respect the natural things because that is what made my ancestors able to survive years ago.
Furthermore, we are a very loving culture and always there to help a person in need regardless of what reason. We are not as uneducated as people believe because we are extremely smart. Being misunderstood by many, we are tired of being taken advantage of by those who think they know everything around them.
Having my parents interviewed, I realized that they knew very well our culture. More than I ever knew because I grew up as a military child, in a military family, with strict rules to follow. When the time came that my father retired from the military, I was on my college days, we began to embrace as a family and as individuals, our own culture. And this includes the traditions like pow-wows, storytelling, and musical instrument playing. We embrace it as a family, because we were not able to attend cultural events and practice our culture at home, and we embrace it individually because as children of members of tribes, we are just starting to adapt to the culture that our tribe practices.
As a child, I wondered why my grandparents done certain things. Even the foods they have prepared for us are not so familiar at that time. As I have said, when my father retired from military, we had a lot of time to be introduced to our culture. My father sees to it that we make time to visit our relatives in North Carolina and we were introduced to the Native American life. Traditional foods are prepared for us, even taught us the ingredients and recipes, and we are brought to tribal events. My father told us that in this way, he can teach us our culture and history and be able to understand things that were not clear to us when we were children. My parents may have been long gone to their respective cultures because of modern lifestyle, but they planned to spend the rest of their lives devoted with its rich culture and traditions.
As far as I can remember, stories from clan members recall that Native American people have experienced racism, even until these days. From children receiving equal education to employment rights, health rights, and even owning properties, we are discriminated by other races. Other members may have evolved because they strived to fit in and co-exist but there are others still call us names even though we are already doctors or lawyers and other professionals.
Before, I am not aware of the things that my parents do. It may seem unfamiliar from the daily activities that they have or the usual menu they prepare for every meal, but I barely asked them about it. Now, that I am introduced to the colorful history and tradition of our culture, I can say that it is amusing that I am a part of this culture. It is fun to attend traditional events like pow-wows where I can dance, sing, and socialize with everyone. In addition to this, the cultural recipe that has been passed on to many generations makes us unique from others.
The modern lifestyle is moving fast and as native tribes, it does not mean that we are left behind by the changes that take place. As a matter of fact, our clothing emerged from breechcloths to European style or modern style. When it comes to our laws and other practices, modifications are also made. Now, women co-exist with men in terms of handling the society. Women are now allowed to become chief of the tribes just like men. Along with this, some of our people are married with other races and still become accepted in the society.
I believe that the legacy of the tribe lies on the hands of parents. It is their responsibility to introduce to their children the culture that they have and instill in their minds that devotion is the most important aspect being a member of the Native American tribes.
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