The Relationship of Fear and Power
The relation of fear to power, then, is that the fear of those who fear the powerful lead to the concept of hatred. Hatred, also referred to as the hatred of the powerless (Neitzche, n.d.) is said to be manifested by those whom are poor, the suffering, and the powerless towards those who possess power. Since the powerful is inclined to oppress the powerless, it is not out of the question that the powerless will come to fear and eventually hate those who possess power. In fact, it is even implied that because the powerless fear and hate those who possess power, they would even go to the length of declaring that those who are powerful and privileged are for all eternity the evil, the cruel, the lecherous, the insatiable and the godless (Neitzche, n.d). It is then, safe to say that power causes people to first fear then hate the one who possesses power.
In a nutshell, Neitzche does not directly relate fear to power, nor does he state that power and fear always go together. However, he has implied through his text that there is an indirect connection between fear and power, and that connection is hatred. It is likely that Neitzche perceives that fear of a someone or something can cause the one who fears to eventually despise the individual or the thing for it brings upon him the unwanted emotion of fear.
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