American History

1i) World War II  Americas Dominance
Global conflict between the major states divided them into two groups the Axis Powers and the Allied Powers that initialized the WWII. The unresolved issues and harshness amongst the defeated states of WWI that resulted in humiliating treaties and the great depression triggered WWII.

After the war erupted out in the major European countries Americans were divided whether the country should take part in the war or stay aside and keep their isolationist status alive. But American administration acted wisely and started preparing for any invasion, expansion in military power and defense system and supported the allied powers. Lend-Lease Bill passed and US started sending all-out aid to the allied powers in all forms through sale, lease or loan. American Economy boosted as the factories which once used to produce consumer goods were made to produce war material. Production growth developed as women and men both engrossed in the war industries and military provisions supplied to allied powers at larger scale generating great revenue for American Economy. All major powers involved in WWII engaged their military and civilian resources in war efforts including all of their economic, scientific and industrial strengths.

1ii) America emerging as Military and World Power
America didnt enter the war and its economy remained ineffective. The sale of arms  ammunition to allied powers advanced their economical status and military capabilities. This is when Japanese leaders in Military planned a surprised aerial attack on American Naval strength at Pearl Harbor Hawaii which led Americans to hastily participate in the World War II. The war ends on Allied Powers victory leaving US as the only state whose economy survived the war effects giving them full virtual monopoly over all other states in terms of consumer goods thus raised living standards of Americans.

1iii) Conferences at Yalta and Potsdam germane
The main purpose of Yalta conference was to discuss the post war issues and the restructure  reorganization of war torn European nations. Potsdam conference attended by the three major powers aimed on the decision and punishment for the defeated Nazi Germany certain other issues regarding the post war order maintenance, peace treaties with the surrendering states and tackling the war effects were brought under serious considerations.

2i) Americas entry into World War I
Entry of America in WWI also termed as their loss of innocence because they stepped out of their peaceful, neutralist and isolated self confined status. The unrestricted submarine warfare initialized by Germany through mines alongside US east coast resulted in paralyzing trading through ships between Britain and fierce America that turned out to be a decisive straw to declare war against Germany.

2ii) America after and before World War I
Before WWI American Administration always believed in equaling their status with the dominating European and rest of the world states to gradually enhance and surpass them in economical, political and military grounds. They believed in gaining informal influence over the states rather than forming colonies by invasion or power but increase its size by gaining and purchasing territories.

When WWI erupted American majority favored their neutrality and solving out the matters of other states in peaceful manner but American entry into WWI brought a great change to American minds. It was a turning point as Americans who believed in internationalism and participation and solving world affairs now did not want to be a part of the mayhem. They thought that America should only think of the issues within its own borders rather than going global because they are tired of forfeiting their money and lives for others and now is the time they should concentrate over their own betterment.

3i) The modern American Era 1920
1920s era in American History is termed as Roaring Twenties or The Jazz Age for the prosperity in the state. Americans especially youth were overjoyed by the countrys dominant status in terms of economy which expanded by producing weapons and consumer goods generating great revenue by imposing excise taxes. America retained its democratic form thus maintaining their civilians rights, freedom and sovereignty unlike other states like Germany involved in WWI that went under dictatorships. This factor added to peaceful and prosperous environment and Americans were moved by new ways, rapid changes and higher standards of living. There was plentiful food available on cheaper rates, their houses were filled by all kind of consumer goods and an average American family owned a car. In addition to living standards, drastic changes were brought in other fields like entertainment and sports in which Americans shined globally.

Though later the Jazz age followed by the Great Depression era brought turmoil, poverty, unemployment, deflation and declined economical growth. Industries suffered great setback turned bankrupt, jobless Americans started losing hopes of revival from Great depression. But new American administration with aggressive stimulating policies brought hopes and the end to Great Depression. Their optimistic approach not only helped American economy to recover but also sustain their growth.

3ii) Changes
Americas dominance globally proves their struggle in the past and the optimistic approach they carried gave them edge over other states in all aspects and fields of life. It emerges out as a super power, runs ahead in technological and military advancements and standards of livings. But their policy of interference in worldwide political matters and sovereign countries issues raises questions of Americas self centered, connoting and dictating nature forwarding towards misbalance of power and monopoly of one state over the world.


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