Christopher Columbus discovers America, 1492
When Columbus was living in Lisbon, he made up his mind that he will try all the things that no other person had ever done or even given it an attempt. This entailed crossing the Atlantic Ocean with a mission of drug buying and selling, and also making friendship with a man whose name was Manuel Noriega. Here, he used to dream that one day he will meet Manuel Noriega although had not physically met him or even found him. Columbus used to lead his three ships Pinta, Nina and Santa Maria. On 3 August, 1492 he came out of port of Palos from Spanish. He had an objective of sailing west till the time when he reached the country of Asia-the Indies- where riches of spice pearls and gold awaited.
When he was underway, he enjoyed the calm seas and winds which used to push him on the westward direction. Columbus did discover southern trades which in the near future fueled the ships that were sailing carrying commodities taking them to New World. Consequently, the trip seemed to be long than planned or even anticipated by Columbus or his crew. To mollify the apprehensions of his crew, Columbus used to keep two logs sets one showed the true distance traveled every day and the other one showed a distance that was lesser than the other. Here, the first log was secretly kept. The latter log used to quite the anxiety of the crew through the under-reporting of the actual distance traveled from their origin.
By 10th October, the deception resulted into temporal effects where the apprehension of the crew increased to near mutiny point. Columbus promised his crew that if in two days the land was not discovered or even sighted, they would automatically go back home. Fortunately, the land was discovered the next day.
October 12, Friday
On this day, they reached at a place with Small Island called in Indian language, Guanahani. He named it San Salvador and took possession of it. This was his first sight. Concerning the New World when he landed, they fell on their knees because of joy, kissed the ground and gave thanks to Almighty. At that point, they saw naked people who were copper-colored and spoke a language that he did not understand. The admiral continued on the shore using an armed boat with Vicente Yanez, Martin Pinzons brother who was Ninas captain.
After landing, they discovered very green trees, much water and variety of fruits. Immediately, the Admiral called upon the two captains, and the others who were leaping alongside the shore. To the whole fleets secretary called Rodrigo Escovedo and also to Rodrigo Sanchez from Segovia, they were declared that they must bear testimony. This was done in presence of the others. Later, he then took the said islands possession for his Lords- the Queen and King, giving the acknowledgments that are required and testimonies that were put down in writing.
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