Negroes with Guns
Although Robert Williams urged the African American to use weapons as a means of self defense, he also played a part in non-violence movement. But during the time of great oppression and injustice of black people, Williams found the necessity of weapons in order to protect their selves. Even though many African American advocated a non-violent resistance, Williams took a different path where he encouraged black people to take arms. He also participated in various civil right movements in other country like China and Cuba (Williams, 1962).
During the 1600s in America, black people are starting to become slaves. It is the time were African American experience the first race based of slavery (Hill, 2004). At the course of history, racial discrimination became apparent especially to black Americans. Many black people suffered slavery and faced greater challenge of racial discrimination where there came a time that non-violent approach is not sufficient to give emphasis that black people are also human and have the rights to a fair and just system.
During 1950s, William became a part of NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) where this group grew at the late 1950s. Due to continued violence of whites against black American, Williams proposed the use of arms to most of the members in his organization. This led to his principle of equipping every black American with weapon in order to defend their selves of white oppression. Because of this violent ideology, Williams was greatly criticized by Martin Luther King Jr. and even Roy Wilkins. The NAACP administration suspended him because of his strong insistent of black people having arms where he cited this incident as an example of racial discrimination. The reason for his suspension is that Williams viewpoint of taking arms in order to fight oppression is not the solution of the racial discrimination problem. Although suspended, he still continues to push his principle of arming black people for self defense.
Since Williams suspension, he became enlightened that there is a greater thing worth fighting rather than his deferment. He realized that it is more important to find an answer regarding on how to face cruel oppression of white people to his fellow black Americans. It is evident that there is an eminent struggle of equality between black (racially and socially discriminated) and white (oppressor). It kindled the heart of Williams to find a way to make a change and prove that even black people has human rights. He is determined to change the impression that blacks are slaves and susceptible to racial discrimination. Williams also proposed another program in order to bring up the rights of every black people in America. He appealed some points to the civil rights movement where he demanded that black people will have equal rights to education as white people have, freedom from oppression, and also, equal rights for employment.
Some of the events that made Robert Williams critically realized the significance of arming black people in order to fight oppression are as follows Williams became a part of non-violent movement called Monroe Non-Violent Action Committee where it was developed by so called Freedom Riders. People of this organization are beaten up by white Americans that led Williams to call for an aid from the police authorities to provide protection. His request for protection is not granted where black people is still threaten to be harmed by white people. After the incident, there are some Negroes are being arrested including some of the members of the Freedom Riders. After being arrested, it is found out that there are people that have been taken away which are missing and the people that are sent to prison are seriously injured where the others are bleeding to death. Even though the black prisoners need some serious medical attention, there are no medical treatments given to them. This pushed Williams to demand for medical assistance for his fellow black Americans where the lack of attention greatly illustrates the injustice of white Americans to the Black people (Williams, 1962).
There is also an event in Williams story that demonstrates extensive racial discrimination during his time. There came an incident that a white couple came driving across Williams neighborhood. It is at the moment where black people and white people are in great turmoil and are fighting violently. As Williams noticed the couple, he took them to his place in order to secure them. But Mrs. Stegall misunderstood the real intent of Williams why he took them to his home. She (Mrs. Stegall) accused him of kidnapping them even though he persistently convince the couple that he was only trying to help them not to be involve in the said chaos. Afterward, Williams is arrested by the authority and he was charged of kidnapping. Williams left Monroe in order to avoid danger and continues threat to his life.
All these cases where illustrated in the book of Williams. It greatly portrays the racial discrimination during his time and how the black Americans faced and experienced awful oppression from the whites. The book also offers an intense perception about activism and a collective connotation of civil rights. It is also an account of pursuing the rights of every black American to arm them for their protection against unjust and cruel treatments of white people. He also showed in his work the aspiration to change a system that is not working to promulgate a just and fair law for the black Americans. Williams shaped the idea that black Americans are capable to change their status in a society that greatly discriminate them and are able to struggle to pursue a fair and honest system that will secure their human rights as what the white people are achieving. Furthermore, the work of Williams is a great sacrifice even if it cost his life.
One of the themes that are very clear upon reading the book is about racial discrimination. He employed different examples on how discrimination in his country is related to the problems of other country regarding unjust system. He emphasized that what he is fighting for (ending racial discrimination) is almost similar to the struggle of Cuban against white imperialism, Africans against white slavery, Asian against imperialism. He believes that in order for the world to understand their battle against race discrimination, he must give emphasis that their problems are not so different to the problems that other country is facing. Williams also stresses out that he is not against the white people but rather he is against to the unjust treatment and aggression to the black people.
Another concept that emerged in Williams work is about Black American civil rights movements and taking arms for self protection. The major purpose of such movement is to stop racial discrimination and uplift the racial dignity of every black Americans. It also aim to free the black people from white oppression and provide civil rights that will enhance the freedom, dignity, respect, and social status of every black people. The book illustrates that there are many occasions that the rights of the blacks are being violated, also, Williams describes his personal experience about evident abuse of people involved in black American civil rights movement. Although there is a good reason why Williams urged black people to take arms, the idea that he proposed appeared to be problematic. In the first place, many non-violent black protester oppose his proposition, there are also cases that not all black American can afford to have weapons to protect themselves. The black American civil rights movement only asserts that the state should give support in order to stop racial discrimination among black Americans. They only aspire for equality (whites and blacks having the same treatment regarding civil rights) where they desire a system that advocates justices not considering the race of the person. However, there are people who resist Williams principle of taking arms. Martin Luther King Jr. as an example believes that violence cannot be resolve by violence. Martin Luther king Jr. is a prominent activist that follows a non-violent protest to achieve justice for black people. He employs the principle of peaceful protest and civil disobedience to appeal for their rights (King, 1968).
After all the devastating effects of injustice and racial discrimination (Williams being accused of kidnapping that resulted their fleeing from Monroe) that Robert Williams and his family experienced, they finally able to return home during 1969. It was the time that United States underwent political changes that allowed Williams and his family to return to their former life. The case regarding the kidnapping that has been accused to him is dropped by President Nixons Administration. During his return, many of his supporters expected him to become the leader of the organization called Black Militant movement but he declined the opportunity. Instead, he entered the University of Michigan and became a Ford Fellow in China Studies. Afterward, he ended his career as a communist activist and a writer. During 1996 he passed away because of an illness (cancer) but his achievements regarding racial discrimination and civil rights flourished forever in the eyes of many activists where they considered him Warrior of Racial Injustice.
The book of Robert Williams provides rich information about the situation that black people underwent during his time. He put an enormous effort to fight for the civil right s of his fellow black American and his proposition to use force to defend them is one of the turning points of event that made him prominent regarding civil rights movement. Even though thats the case, he is fortunate to live peacefully at the same time pushing his beliefs. He is lucky to have witnessed the great change that took place (white and black integrated in the same society) where many activist sacrificed themselves in order to achieve even a little change to the way they are treated.
Nevertheless, Robert Williams should be highly praised with all his efforts, pain and contributions in order to change black American history. His ideology and principles gave way for many black Americans to fight for their rights and to put an end to racial discrimination. It is sensible to assert him as one of the heroes that gave hope to every black American to attain justice.
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