Affordable Housing

Affordable housing describes dwelling houses or units provided to citizens in America at an affordable price. Many poor Americans dream of living in a decent suitable environment. Currently America is faced with a problem of affordable housing crisis which is coupled with dying up of federal funding. This is a serious crisis that needs to be handled with a lot of care and concern. Various strategies need to be developed by local governments before the situation slips out of hand. Social ownership and financing techniques are alternative means to be considered so as to address the housing crisis.

The strategy of housing organizing as is coupled with social ownership and financing is an important consideration to ensure Americans have decent housing. The positive aspect of this strategy is that it lays down certain requirements that should be met by contractors and developers. Provision of the Housing Act about the goal to construct decent houses and suitable living environment for every American family has resolved the issue of affordable housing crisis. A weak element of this strategy is the fact of meeting several requirements before access of affordable housing.

Involvement of government is another strong strategy that has led to accessibility of decent housing. Local government has the authority and power to enforce laws concerning provision of decent housing. This is a positive aspect because every citizen is given the power and right to decent living. However, government is usually slow when it comes to implementation of policies.


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