The fall of Saigon, President Nixon and the Watergate Scandal, the Vietnam war and America Today
President Nixon begun his career when he was elected senator on a strong platform of anti- communism. Years later as the president of America, his initial term as was marked by his efforts to fulfill an election campaign promise of ending the war initiated by his predecessor,by withdrawing troops. The challenge was do it in a way that will save face both internationally and domestically (Colodny, Shactman, 2009). The reason for the foreign policy shift, was an escalation in antiwar protest in America that were reportedly backed by the Republican Government political rivals the Democrats. The American public was increasingly withdrawing its support for the war as they continued to receive dead, injured and psychologically scared loved ones from the battle fields. The enemy was unrelenting while the terrain was unforgiving to the young American recruits. The only American ally, South Vietnam, could not hold its own against the ideological and military war waged by its northern neighbor (Colodny, Shactman, 2009).
The battle for Vietnamese hearts and souls soon lost as the Vietnamese took up arms and joined the worldwide a front against Americas military excesses in Vietnam albeit and ironically so, via violent means. During his second term , President Nixon having already lost by failure of his madman strategy ,where he escalated attacks on North Vietnam with hope scaring his rivals, lost the remaining traces of public goodwill when connected episodes of state house sponsored unlawful espionage-like attacks on anti-war proponents , most notably an attack on Democratic campaign offices, collectively known as the Watergate scandal reached the public domain(Colodny, Shactman, 2009) . Soon Nixon was faced to resign, and with it signing of a peace agreement in Paris as Nixons administration finally was presented with an opportunity to end a war (and people suffering) it already had already ended with the capture of Saigon. The thesis explores by the two videos war only serves to destroy a peoples way of life by entrenching anarchy leading to loss of property and life is evident even today (Colodny, Shactman, 2009). The emotional and psychological scars of the Vietnam war are still felt as survivors and loved ones battle to come to terms with the events of Vietnam war. The situation with Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemeni war, wars similar in circumstances with the Vietnam war, does not help much. As Americans continue to lose loved ones, humanity on both sides of the divide despairs, is history repeating itself
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