History Worksheet
Four Major Events in the Chronology of this Week and Why
Five Important Figures andor Scholars in Shaping the Significance of this Weeks Topics and Why
1. George Washington did not originally want to attend the Constitutional Convention (Middlekauff, p. 623) Our early education emphasizes Washingtons importance in the formation of the American government therefore it surprised me that he only reluctantly participated.
2. Importance of James Wilson in the Convention His name appears in conjunction with many important debates and decisions, yet he is someone whose role seems to be minimized some accounts of the early American government.
3. Amount of debate that went into deciding how the executive was elected It seems that at every election, debates arise about the electoral college. It was interesting to read about how the decision to elect the executive was made. 1. May 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia opened on May 25 (Middlekauff p. 624) began a months-long process that culminated in the Constitution
2. May 29, 1787 presentation of the Virginia Plan (Brown, ed., p. 395ff.) opened the discussions of the Convention (Middlekauff p. 629) many elements found their way into the Constitution as we know it (Middlekauff p. 643)
3. Mid July, 1787 Great Compromise delivered by the grand committee allowing for equality of representation in one house and representation by population in the other (Middlekauff p. 639) approved on July 16 (Middlekauff p. 641)
4. September 17, 1787 delegates signed the Constitution bringing to an end a months-long process of intense debate (Middlekauff, p.648)1.James Madison - delegate from Virginia pointed out the weaknesses in the Confederation in his Vices of the Political System of the United States (Brown, ed., p. 340) which served as the basis of he Virginia Plan opposed the Great Compromise (Middlekauff p. 639)
2. George Washington reluctant participant in the Convention (Middlekauff p. 623) signed the Constitution as President (Brown, ed., p.418)
3. James Wilson legal scholar, second most important person (after Madison) in the functioning of the Convention (Middlekauff, p. 625)
4. Edmund Randolph governor of Virginia (Brown, ed., p. 390) presenter of the Virginia Plan (Middlekauff, p. 629)
5. Elbridge Gerry delegate from Massachusetts (Middlekauff p. 632) presented and defended the Great Compromise to the Convention (Middlekauff p. 639) refused to sign the Constitution (Middlekauff p. 648)
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