Black Panther Party and Civil Rights Movement

Formed in 1966, the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, founded on the premise of protecting black neighborhoods from being terrorized by police brutality.  Police brutality was rampant during those times as police perused the neighborhoods looking for anyone to harass.  Black women raped, and black men brutalized.1   Justice for these crimes was not forthcoming.

Two men from Oakland, California decided that enough was enough.  They formed a committee of people to band together in an organized venture.  These men, Bobby Seales, and Huey Newton worked diligently to bring their dream together.2    Once a reality, the expansion to seeking equal rights as afforded to whites, became center focus.  There were many challenges to face and the manner in which approached did not sit well for all members.  There were open disagreements during meetings as members argued against the leaders choices of action.

The black panthers represented as a militant group, thought of as political thugs with guns.  Whites viewed them as violent and on a mission to eradicate those not oppressed.  Whites feared this group of black men blatantly walking around carrying rifles.3 The wants of the panthers were simple they desired for all minorities to be afforded the same opportunities for quality in life as whites had.  That did not seem like an outlandish request, yet it met with total hate and rejection.  This is a list of their terms for equality.

4 Freedom from oppression and a right to choose their own destiny
Full Employment for a quality lifestyle
Reparations for the promised 2 mules and 40 acres never received
Housing that was fit for human inhabitants
Education that tells the facts historically and presently
 Completely free healthcare for all oppressed people
Immediate end to police brutality and murder of all oppressed people
Retrials for all those imprisoned under oppressed realism and affective behavior
Immediate end to wars of aggression
Want land, bread. Housing, education, clothing, justice, peace, and people controlled modern technology for the communities of oppressed people

Those were the ten rules of discipline they sought in advisement to white supremacist
doctrines in keeping blacks domesticated and free of an existence considered not fitting for lowly beasts.  Further to this they wanted it made perfectly clear that they in no way wanted to
connect with a society of a nation built on a bed of lies, rape, and that of being thieves.  They emphasized that America may be considered the wealthiest nation in the world, but at the cost of raping all others.

5 They started several programs for the betterment of blacks.  Childrens programs included a free breakfast for children, free medical clinics, self-defense, and first aid.  They also initiated an emergency ambulance, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, and sickle cell disease programs.  Amidst their lashing out politically, they educated blacks on the ways of politics so they could understand what they were facing and why change had to take place, even if by force.

6 The black panthers were looking at the future of blacks in a nation that clearly detested blacks and since they were no longer slaves, the nation had turned to using them for a bloody sport.  The violence they exhibited was no more heinous than that used on black people, thus the black panthers felt they were righteous in retaliating against violence and defending their right to be human and recognized and accepted as such.

7 Political Activities
The political views of the party became evident as they advanced their ideals taking them to a higher level.  The extremes of complacency that had plagued the black neighborhoods thus inducting them into a state of second-class citizenry had taken its toll.  All of the repressed anger had reached a boiling point.  The passivity of the past in acceptance of unfair treatment ceased to exist, with the replaced anger reaching volcanic levels erupting forcefully in word and deed.

In stepped Stokely Carmichael to advance blacks into a state of political knowledge and wealth, with nonviolent measures.  He led the party in understanding that to be taken seriously in the white mans world when it came to laws was to demonstrate the ability of conducting ones self in a knowledgeable fashion and to let your words be your weapon.

8  This was received with mixed emotions as the party stood for retaliation and fairness by force if necessary.  The result was a march on the California state capitol in protest of carrying loaded weapons as they felt that it was an attempt by congress to shut down the panther party right to defend themselves.

9 Many violent clashes ensued over time, with many deaths of the party and police force in various raids and other altercations.  Many blacks continued to be victimized with an increase during the panther reign.  Young men were lynched, women raped, and the brutality continued at alarming rates at the hand of whites in addition to the police force.  Many of the brutal incidents went unpunished as the dispute between the panther party and the police, gave the police cause to use it as ammunition against the party.

10  It was their way of saying look what you have done, your responsible for these attacks on your people.  The parties view was totally opposite, as the actions to them further proved why they had a right to claim their citizenry as equals afforded the same opportunities as whites and to be left alone to pursue those opportunities without feat of oppression or loss of life and limb.  A fact and purpose that they were willing to die for, and many did.

To sum it up about the Black Panther Party, they were a group formed out of the piety of injustice.  A group who said, if we arent willing to make sacrifices and take risks, we will never be given the respect that we deserve and will remain in a state of oppression, which paints a bleak future for our children as well as our race.  The time is now to stand up and represent that we demand our rights.  No more will we wait  The time is now to seize the moment.  Which is exactly what they did, and their tactics may have been extreme, but none more than the opposition they were facing.

11  What they did accomplish was to let white supremacy realize that they had more backbone than may have been thought, and were willing to exercise their right to fight for freedom.  What they set out to do as an organization with the recruitment of members as a foundation was to bring to the attention of those concerned that blacks, as a collective group, should be taken seriously.  If nothing else was realized in their favor, this message in itself was successful, to the point that a task force was created by the FBI to extinguish the actions of the party and by taking necessary means to do just that.

12   They were becoming a force to be reckoned with and opening the eyes of all blacks and the strength and bravery they showed, lessened the fear of those blacks once so intimidated about how the whites would retaliate due to their uprising.

NAACP in Comparison
At the time of the forming of the Black Panthers, the NAACP, a group which had been in existence since the onset of the 1900s was immersed in its fight for justice and fair and equal treatment of blacks.  This organization was formed out of the same context as the party, in attempting to cease the brutality on blacks, in providing acknowledgement that blacks were indeed human beings and should be recognized as having the same inalienable rights promised to every American.

13   Their actions were humble and methodical compared to the Panther Party, who in essence fed up with the no response attitude of a nation that they pretty much hated, decided they were not going to be denied or ignored and made their presence known.  

The NAACP used structured tactics to gain the alliance of whites.  They forged a bond of chains that were not used as shackles, instead chaining races together, to live and grow together in harmony.  They wanted whites to realize that they were the same as they.  Wanting the same as they did for their families.  To have gainful employment and the opportunity to become all one could in having hopes and dreams, and being able to make them come true.

14  Their doctrines were based on peaceful, yet an intelligently exercised coming to a meeting of the minds.  Straight forward and direct, setting principles in motion to protect blacks against barbaric treatment for sport, in realizing or having second thoughts in educating white minds to realize that at the end of the day when all was said and done, blacks were indeed human beings.  The ability to be able to paint this picture was imperative in order for the success in meeting expectations and future goals as a people for blacks.

15 While the Black Panther Party expanded their efforts of protection and into the political scene by violent intent and purpose, they were aware of the NAACP, having become acquainted with the President of the North Chapter, Robert F. Williams.  Huey Newton, and his friend Bobby Seale, joined a group headed by Williams known as RAM (Revolutionary Action Movement). Finding the group too slow paced for their needs, Newton and Seales struck out in search of a more militantly diverse group ready to not only speak but motivated to follow up speech with action.

16 They set out on a journey to combat police brutality and through taking participation in various advisory boards and committees with connections to the city council put together the 10 point program on which was built the foundation of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense.  Later after expanding politically and expansion of the party agenda, they changed the name to The Black Panther Party.

17 The NAACP had its own objectives that were in alignment with the Panther Party ten-point program.

18   The NAACPs objective list consisted of three main criteria as a focus
Ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of minority group citizens of United States

Eliminate race prejudice.
Remove all barriers of racial discrimination through the democratic processes.
They summed up the 10 point program with three directives on a mission the same as the
Panthers but by peaceful means in order to be accepted and heard diplomatically for change that would be lasting and built off of a firm foundation to occur.  They understood if change would have a chance, the attitude of whites in how they viewed blacks would have to change.  By this turn of events, they focused their efforts in a political endeavor to reach the masses affording opportunities for whites to see blacks for whom they truly were, and not part of a crippled history that blotted them out as human.

The NAACP set out on a crusade for the civil rights enactment to become a reality in action versus a documentation that carried very little substance.  They used the power of the courts to effect the righting of wrongs, and the media to let their voices be heard.  Much in the way of Martin Luther King Jr., on a mission of peace and equality for all people alike.  The objectives of both the Black Panther Party and the NAACP were the same, though the roads on the journey they took differed.  In essence, between the two, a portrayal of blacks as people was founded in showing whites the diversity that was as human as their own in accordance with want and desire and basic human existence of life.

19  In other words, it opened the eyes of many whites to the acknowledgment that there was more to these black individuals than met the eye.  This alone was enough to spark the attention and support of whites, who were not racially motivated, in assisting with the objectives.  They were accepting to the inviting environment by way of the NAACP and could feel comfortable in assisting to strengthen all people, which would ultimately strengthen the nation.

20   The NAACP was a rock solid civil rights organization on the move.  They took the actions of the Black Panther Party and used it to their advantage in demonstrating that hate and violence only begat more hate and violence.  Thus, kindness and understanding would begat the same in intent and purpose and was a wise course of action in which to proceed.

The wisdom of this organization holds true to form, as it continues to thrive and to make monumental differences in the lives of all people.  The focus of all people versus the inhumane treatment of a group was a good call in the absorption of freeing the minds of those who would allow the embracing of a people who simply wanted to be accepted as such.  The work of this organization has provided opportunities to blacks in stopping many of the hate crimes that were so senseless and frequent.  They still occur today as the progress in stopping racism is still a continuous battle, but one that is still being fought today, and with each passing decade we get just a bit closer to that accomplishment.21


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