Cerion for Christopher

Understanding the relevance of historical events correspond to the availability of information and data to supplement any particular event. It corresponds to clear and factual representation of the situation that in turns determines the validity of the evidence.  The analogy made by Gould seeks to convey information about the relevance of Columbus expedition and tries to understand the challenge of establishing the appropriate conditions in justifying facts based on substantial and concrete proof.

Analyzing the article, the main argument posed by Stephen Gould illustrates the limited capacity of historians to determine what particular site Christopher Columbus landed in the New World. Under this condition, it corresponds to several factors that made the process of identification rather difficult to achieve. Due to this, the document points out the relevant factors that may have influenced not only establishing of where the actual place but also providing sufficient evidence of Taino as the first landing point of Columbuss voyage.

One important argument argued by Gould revolves around the chronicles of the voyage made by Columbus. It can be seen that the formal document examining is only a translation of the copy of the original document (Gould, 1996). This then goes to show the ability to commit mistakes particularly in the translation of the manifest that was used in the voyage. At the same time, there may also be errors in the actual description of location. This coincides with both technical misrepresentations and inability of the Bartolome de Las Casas to transcribe or interpret Columbuss journal effectively.

Another important reason for consideration revolves around the limited ability of Columbus voyage to extract or use as evidence a Cerion. According to Gould, this is an important piece of evidence that can link the Taino Island to that of the original claim that the first landing took place in that specific location. Since this type of specie can only be located in this island, it can effectively prove as concrete evidence in addressing the questions surrounding this claim. Likewise, this evidence can also supplement the archeological findings made by scientists in Taino through the years.

The last argument pointed out by Gould revolves around the inability of actual account of what happened during Columbuss time. The main reason behind this was that the population that existed in these islands was subjected to killings and early forms of Genocide by Columbuss men. With the overall objective of seeking out gold and mistaking this place as the entry point towards East Asia, Columbus used this as an instrument in creating opportunities to take advantage of the locals hospitality and subjected them to abuse and slavery.

Overall, the idea provided by Gould not only provided new insights about the relevance Columbuss voyage but also illustrated the capacity of problems to arise given the lack of evidence to supplement historical questions. The arguments made in the article were indeed significant in portraying the value of critically assessing historical evidences. At the same time, it also pursues that readers need to rethink of other factors that can also shape the value of understanding and relating with historical issues. For the part of Gould, by using the field of science, he was able to point out the importance of Cerion in answering the question surrounding where did Columbus first land. Such capacity then shapes greater appreciation with history as readers become captivated with new questions searching for the real truth with what really transpired during Columbuss voyage.


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