A comprehensive analysis of the feature and principles of progressive party
Features of progressive Party
According to Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs (2006), progressive party was founded on the principles that were good for the wellbeing of the people and with an aim of improving the living standards of the people in America considering the old principles of the first reformers and the wishes of the ancestors.
Progressive party was founded on the principle of equal suffrage that was more concerned with the individual rights and freedom without being gender bias. The party was more concerned with the publicity and the recruitments in the public service sector. They promised that the court shall not deny the people the chance to ask important questions on public policy hence reducing restrictions in court.
Another major feature of progressive party was based on their advocacy for just government and social justice to all. They demanded changes on trade pattern and both nationally and internationally by reducing trade barriers to increase trade.
Most Striking feature in Progressive Party
Apart from advocating on tariffs, labor and the other factors that affect productivity, health, patent, security and currency that they claimed was unscientific and harmful to the growth of the economy social and industrial justice was the most striking policies for the progressive party since it advocated for major changes in several sectors affecting peoples lives. The fundamental changes could be realized if the party won the election and followed the principles behind social justice to the latter, and major changes could be achieved both economically and socially (Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs, 2006).
They advocated for legislation to help in prevention of accidents that were frequent as a result of poor legislation by fixing safety regulations. Progressive Party on social justice were more concerned with the danger that the American workers were exposed to in different forms of occupation and therefore advocated for the fixing of regulations or standards for working conditions in different industries to reduce death and risks for the workers.
They were against the violation of peoples rights such as child labor and exploitation of the child by underpaying himher. They were for the idea to work for eight hours per day and were against the move by industries to hide the total number of injuries or accidents that occurs during the work period and promised to tally the total number of accidents to the general public. Exploitation of the public through the use of wrong weights and measures was against the framework or platform of the progressive party (Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs, 2006).
Relevance of progressive Party today
In analyzing the relevance of the party in the modern world, in relation to economy and politics, the party manifesto and the principles could be more useful in realization of workers rights that is continuously violated by the employers. Their desire to improve and review the public service could help a lot in ensuring that employment should not be based on nepotism or tribalism but on the qualification unlike today that people are getting jobs and opportunity depending on the people they know and their political stands.
Progressive Party was formed on conservative principles of governance with an objective of improving transparency, reducing corruption, accountability, equality, justice and hope for the people of America.
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