The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin gives rise to the ability of others to learn from him. If his thoughts and ideas are put into action, people have a chance at contributing to humanity as well. The thoughts and ideas of themselves can be realized and obtained through the interpretation of the Autobiography of Ben Franklin. In this essay, these details are expanded upon throughout. The life and account of Ben Franklin has the potential to inspire. Studying Franklin more in breadth is recommended to all who come across this iconic figure of American history.
Benjamin Franklins spent years growing up around 13 other children in his household. His mother and father both would give rise to interesting discussions around the dinner table (Franklin, 2006, 2006, 11). The spark of curiosity that was inbred in Ben Franklin continued to give rise to his life. Franklins experiences and success was largely based on his curiosity and ability to put into practice what he wished. In earlier years, Ben Franklin wished to go about at sea for his living (Franklin, 2006, 12). His father did not desire this type of life for him and instead had put him to work with him. Ben spent 2 years doing work for his father but never took a liking to the work that he had to do (Franklin, 2006, 13). When his brother returned from England in 1717, Ben Franklin was joined by his side to work in his printing business by his father (Franklin, 2006, 13). He served his brother for about 9 years and was able to grow his knowledge through borrowing books that were printed from the press.
During this time, his brother was incarcerated and Ben took to run the paper in his absence (Franklin, 2006, 17). When his brother was let out, they continued to run the paper under Bens name for a time, according to the Autobiography (Franklin, 2006, 17). His brother had beat Ben too many times throughout the apprenticeship and finally Ben decided to leave the printing with his brother (Franklin, 2006, 17). He took up several jobs around neighboring states and abroad. He eventually settled into working creating paper money, a job he had received through writing and a friend.
His successes were largely in part of what he perceived were in need at the time. He would pay attention to what others were saying they were in need of. Then he would go about a way to create something that could be of use. He performed this with Poor Richards Almanac, which was printed for 25 years and other inventions as well from what is observed throughout the writings in the Autobiography. Whenever Ben Franklin had an idea or determined a need, he would perform what was in his power to fix the problem. He took upon the element of offering a service to where there was a need. This is what drove his success in many of his endeavors.
One such instance was when he had gained word of the common peoples complaint that there was not enough paper money. He then took upon his desire to create a pamphlet entitled The Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency (Franklin, 2006, 41). Ben Franklin was able to use his knowledge of the trade and argument to discuss the need for more paper money. Through his establishment of writing this, he landed the job for the Newcastle paper money at the time through a friend (Franklin, 2006, 41).
During his earlier years, Ben Franklin decided to set a plan in achieving moral perfection. He wrote down virtues and set about practicing them daily (Franklin, 2006, 46). With temperance, he called to mind not to eat toward dullness and not to drink to give rise to temper (Franklin, 2006, 45). I believe that from his experiences with others who had these problems, he put this into action within his plan. Frugality he decided to only do well toward himself and others (Franklin, 2006, 45). It seems that in frugality, I believe that he meant also in the ideas that he came up with and executed. He strove only to perform what was in need at the time and complete a service for himself and others.
In education, Ben Franklin thought that it should be prominent each day to give you to study. It seems that Ben Franklin never stopped learning and loved books. He read everyday and would practice what he learned. This is the biggest key to reading and study. Practicing what is read and learned is the importance of all education. Ben Franklin would strive to better himself in everything he did through practice. The letters that he and another wrote back and forth for a long period of time during his earlier years is one example of this (Franklin, 2006, 14). He would be persuaded by the others eloquent speech. Ben Franklin set about to make his writing eloquent and more persuasive instead of simply caving to the others point of view throughout the letters (Franklin, 2006, 14). He kept at education and did not ever reach a plateau. He would put into practice his education in all of his writing and experiments.
Franklin disagreed with many points on religion. He found disagreement that religion failed on many points (Franklin, 2006, 45). One of them being inspiration and the thought that religion divided the people instead of brought them together (Franklin, 2006, 45). This was likely because of the emphasis of violence and rules that were evident in religion and sermons during Ben Franklins time. He avoided religion and instead took to work to avoid going to services on Sundays. Ben Franklin took to Deism after reading some books that had fallen into his hands against it (Franklin, 2006, 45). He thought that after reading the arguments, the Deists were strongly executed above the reproaches of the other religions (Franklin, 2006, 45).
He admired Rev. George Whitefield from his moving speeches in way of building an orphanage (Franklin, 2006, 59). Rev. Whitefield proposed going to Georgia with the project and Ben Franklin ill-advised of this move (Franklin, 2006, 59). This was due to many shortages that would have encumbered the project. Instead Rev. Whitefield did not take the counsel of Franklin. Ben then would not contribute to the project (Franklin, 2006, 59). After attending one of his sermons, Rev. Whitefield softened the heart of Franklin into giving to the project anyway (Franklin, 2006, 60). He was taken by the Reverends well thought out sermons and tones of voice used throughout.
With the rise of the Enlightenment period that Ben Franklins views were at the forefront, it seemed that his objections to religious views were well received (Fahs, Murrin, Johnson, McPherson). I believe that through his views, he ushered in a new era regarding religious attitudes. The need for people to get away from what oppresses them was evident in his views. Instead focusing on enlightening ideas and positive ambitions became the guiding light toward enlightenment.
During the earlier years of religion, violence and oppression were the main uses of sermons. These divided people and focused on oppression and condemnation. The preachers during this time did not have any other thoughts to go on but what they were taught. They relived this through their sermons. Ben Franklin gave breath to the ideas and examined them for himself, coming up with his own judgment in his mind. This is the key to anything coming up with your own experiences and thoughts instead of going with what is taught to you or what others think.
This was Ben Franklins thoughts and gave way to the age of Enlightenment to inspire and encourage others to do the same. When those free-thinkers decided to go about their business and not hold others judgment over their heads, they formed the new movement. They led the way to new thinking and empowered others to be able to think for themselves and argue against certain things that were considered a standard, as Franklin did with Deism against religion.
During a stage of his life, Ben Franklin decided to set about achieving a standard of moral perfection (Franklin, 2006, 46). He spent time coming up with virtues to live by. I think that during this time he wanted to define himself and give careful thought to what his code of conduct was for his life. I believe that in doing so he guarded against irrational behavior and was able to know who he was and have a systematic approach for all problems and daily issues that should arise. I believe that perhaps everyone comes to this point at one time in their life after coming into awareness of their actions and patterns of belief. If they decide upon change, then setting about a plan of moral achievement and action using virtues is what a number of people put into practice. He may have gotten the idea from Buddhism, although this is not stated in his autobiography.
He wrote a number of virtues down in a book (Franklin, 2006, 47). He would work on one at a time (Franklin, 2006, 47). He would keep conscious vigil of his actions and whether he broke the virtue daily (Franklin, 2006, 47). Franklin would then record this in the book. As he went through the list, he practiced them daily until they were ingrained and integrated within his self (Franklin, 2006, 47). He committed to working on them everyday and was successful in many, diminishing them as he went along with his diligence (Franklin, 2006, 47). He had faults with one, order. Order was the hardest for him since he was not used to it when growing up, according to the Autobiography (Franklin, 2006, 49). His success in the virtues also lent to his success and happiness from practice as perceived by the editor of the Autobiography (Franklin, 2006, 49).
Based on what I read from Ben Franklins autobiography, I believe that he was a great and wise American symbol. Ben Franklin stood for what America was built for. The realization of a problem in the current environment and absolve in himself to fix it. His actions led to introducing many things that were needed during his time period.
From his earlier days of reading and educating himself with books, Ben Franklin put into practice what he learned. He strived to make himself better at whatever he put his mind to. He did not take no for an answer to anything. When he had an idea, he went about perfecting it until he was satisfied with the results. This is the basis of what America is and was founded for. Striving to better humanity through an idea, invention, or writing is what drove Ben Franklin.
Instead of coming up with excuses or reasons why he could not perform an action, he instead went about achieving it. He is the symbol that a lot of America today should take after. He worked at himself through reading and education. After attaining notice of others abilities, he would then work at becoming better at his own. He did not use limitations in his words. He instead overcame them and worked at achieving what he thought was useful. This ability of his should be investigated by all of America today and, in my opinion, we would not be in economic distress.
His reading was not only what drove him to be seen as a symbol for America. His put of this knowledge into action also contributed to it. One example of this is when Ben put into action the thought about paper money. He created the pamphlet to be useful in the need of the commoners for more paper money to flow in the system (Franklin, 2006, 41). His friend then awarded him the job for his printing business and he solved the problem (Franklin, 2006, 41). He created more money to be printed which was a service for the people during his time.
When he saw a need, he came up with the solution. I believe that many people today in America see the potential of this. I also believe that many people in America also do not see the results of action. Instead they go with the provisions of government and do not put into practice their own ideas and thoughts. If they interpreted with their own minds what is written about certain things, including religion, then they too would realize problems and begin to work toward solutions. This is one of the main reasons that I see Ben Franklin as an American symbol.
He did not work for himself and egotistical views. He did not do it to see his name in lights. He did it because he saw a different point of view. He would argue cases, such as Deism, because the arguments for it were much more persuasive. They made more sense to him. He saw the differing points of view and what lined up for him in one, he would come to accept. He easily would interpret these according to his own arguments and would write about these. He did not keep silent his arguments. Instead he spoke out about them. Think of Martin Luther King. How many people before him were given the chance to speak about African American rights We do not know. The main point is that Ben Franklin spoke about what he saw need to. This is a way for the American people to tap into these thoughts to put into practice what they need to today and make aware what thoughts and ideas are out there.
Ben Franklin also sought to perfect his moral standards. He used the virtues in order to do this. Again, he put into practice what he read. Instead of sitting upon the information, he put it into practice. When he put this into practice daily, he resulted in fewer instances of the human condition. The practice of the virtues helped him a great deal in life (Franklin, 2006, 49). America should look to Ben Franklins habits as inspiration for themselves to put into practice similar ideas. The establishment of virtues in daily life is important to define a way that life should be lived.
The trouble is that many do not become aware of the need to do this. It is through the practice of self-realization that people in America can realize that they need to perfect themselves. When they learn from past performance and realize their habits, then the implementation of virtues comes into their lives. Taking study of Ben Franklin as an American symbol is important not only for what he contributed to history with inventions and ideas, but also his practice of virtues. In perfecting his ability concerning the virtues, he was able to define his life and moral behavior.
I think that one of his virtues comes to mind when defending the reason why I believe that Ben Franklin is an American symbol and not an egotistical man. The one I think of is Make no expense but to do well to others and yourself. Waste nothing (Franklin, 2006, 46). While this is put under frugality and can be argued to be mainly about money, I see a different view. I believe that instead Franklin meant to put into action what you think and believe also. Acting upon ideas and thoughts, as Franklin did, brings about inspiration and change in others.
He put into action his education through books many times in his life. By practicing what he came across in books, he was able to come up with very argumentative points that inspired others. In this virtue, Franklin was able to do well to others through the use of his knowledge. He did not sit to himself and say that he knew better than others. If he did then I would consider him to be egotistical. Instead, he let others know of his opinions to bring things to action. The betterment of humanity was Franklins use of his knowledge in his work. He did not sit idle.
In egotistical views, I believe that those who say they are better than others are the ones that are egotistical. If people sit around and dream about how they could do something better but do nothing about it, this is being egotistical. Doing nothing about something results in nothing. Only the thought exists and thought was made coupled with action. Putting action into thought is what drives humanity toward greater things.
Ben Franklin realized this through his own thinking. He realized at an earlier age that he had his own belief on things. Whenever someone did not agree with him, he would argue his beliefs. I think that these led him to be a great American symbol. His own thinking is what drove him to do things and have results. His drive and determination is what led to his success. Instead of going backward, he always went forward.
This is what America stands for, forward movement. Forward movement toward a better future for everyone was the realization of America. The thing is that people should go by their own thoughts and constantly learn. In learning, they realize their own thoughts. People are driven forward by their own thoughts and not those of others. It is through this realization that people are able to tap into Ben Franklins ability to further humanity and their own lives.
Sadly, I believe that not many people give second thought to Ben Franklin beyond what he accomplished. So is the nature of America today. Focusing on profit and accomplishment instead of peoples own thoughts toward ideas makes up a lot of America today. I believe that if people would tap into Franklins ability to see need around them then they would be able to get past their limitations and realize their own ability that Ben Franklin had during his time. This is the reason that I believe him to be an American symbol and not an egotistical person. Even today, Franklins story exists to inspire those who read it, learn, and put it into action within their own lives.
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