The government of Great Britain had thirteen colonies in North America who felt discontentment with their rule. The overwhelmingly high level of mistreatment and lack of representation in the government on their own land was the basis of their discontentment. This led to rebellion of Americans to the British administration. At first they revolted against the parliament of Great Britain and then the British monarchy later on. They wanted to have a government where they can feel well represented and treated with equal measures to their European counterparts. Because of this reason, they expelled the royal officials and established a provincial congress to have self governing states. (Wikipenda 1)

These governmental institutions (Bailyn, 94- 150) joined together to frustrate and antagonise the well armed British monarchical rule. They chose their own leaders in each of the thirteen colonies who were to spearhead their quest for liberation. The people were tired of the continuous creation of policies that violated the principles on which their freedom was build and wanted a change. Their wish was to have these social evils eliminated from their society. They wanted a society build on the principles of equality and formation of a government that was representative which could allow for expression of ones opinions without fear of being victimised. This acted as an inner accelerator and driving force to the struggle against their colonial masters.

Rumour had it that the government was to apply power to deal with the individuals who were disgruntled with the government in their search for their liberation and freedom,  and this conspiracy ignited the revolution in America before any other rebellion in any other country that was a colony of the great Britain. The churches also supported the tyrannical rule claiming that liberty of thinking and expressing individual thoughts was fatal to priestly powers. This enraged the people even the more.  The government later introduce the stamp rule to be levied on pamphlets, newspapers and all official documents. The stamp act that was introduced to enable the rulers obtains additional revenue but it was later discovered that this act had a hidden agenda and motives. It was argued that the stamp act was a strategy by the British government to set the citizens into a trap of trying to oppose its introduction and in the occasion of this rebellion, the military officers could deal with them with severity and reduce them to servitude. Amid the rebellion against the stamp act, other taxes were introduced that include the sugar act, townshend duties, paper bills of credit act and the quartering act. This was more than what they were able to chew. The American people could not stomach this kind of unfair treatment any longer

The government, in an attempt to win the favour and the trust of the people,   introduced a new strategy to deal with the current crisis. They allowed the people to appoint judges who were to listen to their grievances and provide them with justice but on the other hand they suggested giving them crown salaries. These salaries were to be taken at will or in ones own pleasure. The move was received with a lot of criticism and opposition by the people who thought that the government was giving them justice on one hand and take it with the other. This move was vehemently rejected by the Americans who warned the judges who were to accept these crown salaries from the government as having betrayed them. The Townshend duties were used in this process of trying to weaken the judicially.

At around 1770, a mob in London that was protesting for the release of a group of Wilkers was fired by the foot guards who had been summoned by the nervous magistrates. An 11-year young boy was suspected to have led the group of Wilkers was tracked and shot dead in Boston. The situation in political capital was getting loose with people claiming that that was a well planned massacre. The bad news about the massacre spread through the colonies like bush fire and an attempt to bring to justice the guards who had committed these killings was suppressed by the British government. This tainted the governments image in America and annoyed the Americans even more. Sometimes later, there was another massacre in Boston. The situation was too volatile and even those who were dubious of the presence of troops in Boston and claimed that it was the role of the standing army to terrify people to comply to the tyrannical wills were so much terrified and silenced. The two situations of abuse of power in the London massacre and the Boston, unconstitutional taxations imposed on the Americans, weakening of the judicially and plural office holding were standing in the way of achieving absolute liberation. This became the basis of the revolution against the rule of Great Britain. Pamphlets of these misdeeds of the government were written and distributed to all English speaking nations to rebel against the British rule.
In conclusion, the revolution and rebellion of Americans in the North America colonies was triggered by unfair treatment given to them by the British government. These mistreatments are so evident from the examples discussed in this discussion. High tax levies, inequality, lack of proper representation were among the many concerns that provoked the rejection of the tyrannical rule of the Great Britain. This revolution produced fruits when the North American colonies gained their independence.


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