From Isolationist to World Superpower
Towards the end of the 19th century the United States was growing to a major producer of consumer goods and industries had started developing. This created the need for global expansion of markets and supplies of cheap raw materials for the developing industries. This opening up of markets globally in the early 20th century saw the development of prosperous business ventures in America by the end of the First World War. The increased wealth led to development of more industries such as automobile industries, air and rail transport industry, textiles and consumer goods. Abandoning of the traditional isolationist policies led to the prosperity of the United States economically and socially becoming a world superpower.
In the first half of the 19th century, the United States made awkward attempts to deflect the Japanese antagonism against the Chinese attempted to patronize the political leadership in Philippines and used dollar diplomacy in some small countries in North and South America. However, the role of America in the international affairs was exhibited by its intervention in the First World War. Although the diplomatic success in the First World War was minimal, the intervention was prompted by idealistic and unselfish reasons. While the European countries involved themselves in the First World War, most American wanted the United States government to remain neutral in the worlds affairs including the war. The whole nation believed that isolationism policy was in the best interest of the Americans and their country in general. However, most of the citizens approved trade with other nations but rejected the involvement of the United States government in the war. Despite this national consensus, the increasing number of immigrants from Europe especially from France and Britain made the Americans to sympathize with some European countries (Joll, p 104). This led to the United States to reluctantly accept the request by the British to block trade with the Germans. This was based on the argument that the actions of the Germans against other European nations especially in the maritime would in one way or another threaten the stability in the United States. However, this move affected the United States economy negatively since trade between the United States and Germany dropped from over one hundred and sixty million dollars in 1914 to just two million dollars in 1916 but trade with the European allies greatly improving rising from about eight hundred million dollars to over three billion dollars within the same period. The allies depended greatly on the United States for supply of food stuffs, consumer goods, military equipments and weapons (Isolationism, Para 3).
The events of the First World War gave President Wilson and his administration a good opportunity to lead America to social and economic prosperity. The United States was better placed in the international affairs to attain its international and local economic objectives. President Wilson was able to succeed in his bid for League of Nations with his allies. However, his move away from traditional isolationism was challenged by the arrogant republicans. Towards the end of the war, the isolationism reappeared again among the Americans which led to the rejection of the Treaty of Versailles by the Senate. After the end of the war, the United States concentrated on internal changes rather than international affairs.
The event before and during the first world war created opportunities for the United States to develop into a superpower. These events prompted the United States to take steps and defend its interest in the international affairs. The abandonment of the isolationism policies which led to the creation of allies with some European countries opened trade and created wealth which was instrumental in rising up to a world super power. The United States was not affected negatively by its intervention in the war but rather benefited economically from the war. The presidents intervention in the war was based on the idea that there was no freedom in the United States if in the rest of the world there is no freedom. The victory of the allies nation in the First World War is attributed to the intervention of the United States government (Murrin et al, pg 346).
After the war, the United States continued to enjoy economic prosperity despite its return to traditional isolationism policies. The senate rejected the proposal to join the League of Nations which was considered as the predecessor of the current United Nations. It was also followed by immigrants not being freely allowed into the country as it was the case before. Mass production introduced by Ford inspired Americans economy due to mass production at lower cost. The availability of labor and mass consumption led to the development of industries and wealth. The same period saw great development in the field of technology such as development of radios, production of a variety of consumer goods and the invention of commercial air transport in the late 1920s. The mass production as well as mass consumption powered the United States society into the most prosperous society economically in the world (DeLong, Para 2). After president Wilson left office, his successors such as president Hoover made various proposals on the United States international policies due to depression that faced the world economy in the early 1930s (Norton, 785). He also rejected the proposal to cancel the war debts by the allied nations. When President Roosevelt took power after President Hoover, he adopted mixed policies where he negotiated for reduction of tariffs in the international trade while at the same time rejected the proposal to involve his government in stabilization of currencies in the world (Cole, p 24)
In conclusion, the event during the First World War transformed the United States into an economic and social superpower. Before the events of the First World War, the United States was a traditionally isolationism nation but its involvement in the war created opportunities which resulted into its prosperity.
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