Defining Individual Rights
There are several reasons why we do not support this (new) constitution. We seem to notice some flaws that we need to point out before we can approve it and present it to the people for ratification. There appears to be too much power bestowed on the central government while greatly reducing that of the states. Have we not learned our lesson from the past We have known what it was like to live under a tyrannical rule of a ruler governing us across an ocean. Another point is, there is no major crisis that threatens to undermine or bring the nation to collapse. Furthermore, the powers that will be granted to this central government might set a dangerous precedent if powers would be used to curtail rights and oppress the citizens. Our concern is based on the clause of necessary and proper that defines the power of Congress though this may also apply to the executive branch of the government. Even the Judiciary shows signs of becoming oppressive because it is so constructed extended, as to absorb and destroy the Judiciarys of the several States thereby rendering Law as tedious intricate and expensive, Justice as unattainable, by a great Part of the Community, as in England, and enabling the Rich to oppress ruin the Poor.
We fear that this strong central government might create a new aristocracy in these Unitd States. This is made even worse with the absence of a Bill of Rights. The executive (President) branch appears to have unlimited powers such as grating pardons for those who have committed treason or other crimes which might be used to acquit those who might be conspiring with him. We fear this is one of the powers he might abuse and we feat the making of another tyrant though he has no royal title. The Congress is hardly a House of Representatives but to those who have vested interests in their minds and that they will have little thought of the consequences of their actions which would be detrimental to the people whom they are supposed to serve. These, with their other great Powers (viz their Power in the Appointment of Ambassadors and all public Officers, in making Treaties, and in trying all Impeachments) their Influence upon Connection with the supreme Executive from these Causes, their Duration of Office, and their being a constant existing Body, almost continually sitting, joined with their being one compleat Branch of the Legislature will destroy any Ballance in the Government, enable them to accomplish what Usurpations they please upon the Rights and Liberty of the People.
We therefore insist that a Bill of Rights be incorporated into this document. This must include among others, freedom or religion, trial by jury (due process) and freedom of the press and that this through this Constitution, the government shall safeguard individual liberty. There has to be a balance of power between the national government and the states to ensure harmony and protect and preserve our hard-fought freedoms and to limit the powers of the branches of government as a safeguard against incipient tyranny. And finally, consensus through compromise should be the norm to ensure the success of our government.
We believe that the rights of the individual is what makes our nation unique from others and it is only right that we must set the example in upholding these rights and show the world that we can make our unique form of government work where it is possible to have a stable government and at the same time respect and protect the individual rights of our citizens.
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