The Emancipation Proclamation was a step towards a new birth of freedom. Its ultimate goal was to abolish slavery within the United States. The Emancipation had a political impact. Democrats, who liked slavery, denounced the proclamation. In the 1862 elections, slavery became an important campaign issue. November 1863, Lincolns Gettysburg Address made reference to the Proclamation to end slavery as a new birth of freedom. The Emancipation not only had a political impact, but it also had an international impact. The Proclamation became popular among foreign opinion.
When the Civil War took place, large numbers of slaves volunteered to fight for their freedom. This war against the Union states was a war for freedom. The Civil War was the Southern Slave States against the Union. The Civil war abolished Slavery, restored the Union, and made the federal government stronger. It brought many changes to America and made the country a united superpower.
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