Relationship between religion and government

In the US, the relationship between the religion and the government has been strong. For many years, immigrants were moving to the US to worship especially after the English Civil War and after the religious conflicts in Germany and France. Though not only Christians that were allowed to worship in the US, different groups had different religious believes and views as well as backgrounds though they were all honored by the US government. In some states, there were different views on religious toleration. In some places like Rhodes Island were protecting the religious minorities, others like Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth Colony had already established churches(Philip, 2002). On the other hand, the Dutch colony of New Netherland had already established Dutch Reformed Church and had banned all other worships. The reason behind the closeness of religion to the government is because of financial support. The established churches and other form of worshipers were responsible in providing relief and would help in alleviating poverty.

Efforts of separating religion and government
The separation of the religion and the government has been a legal and political principle that has been document by different founders of the US. Example, the 1st amendment of the US constitution reads, Congress shall make no law respecting and establishment of a religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof (Philip, 1975). According to the letter that was written by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist, he said that the religion and the government must be separate for the benefit of both of them, he advised the government not to create any law favoring any religion. Though the principle has been handed over to the American generations, it has not been fully embraced by the US Supreme Court (Daniel, 2003).

Locality Case
Its evident that Christian plays the majority in the US and they contribute a lot in the formation of government. This has ruined the efforts of separating the religion and the government. In the locality, there are different religions and they have to be respected as they are part of the society. There are Christians from different denominations, Muslims, Synagogue and atheists. They are all to be accommodated in the society and they have to be comfortable with the ruling government. Though there is a tread of following the Christian treads, its not a must to continue practicing the tradition as the community is looking for change.

To balance the effect of practicing Christian and the Wednesday prayer, the mayor has to give other religions an opportunity to go to their respective worship places to pray before they come for the thanks giving meeting, or on the other hand, to have unity in the community and have no religion of preference, all should be meeting in a hall not attached to any religion and all religion leaders would lead prayers in terms. This will make the minorities feel as part of the society and would increase harmony among the community and the government. Since the mayor has authority to decide what would be followed during this ceremony, he has to be careful as other religions might unite against one religion (Philip, 2002).

America is one of the countries that value religion and expresses the fear of God in most of its affairs. This has been a matter of concern as its looks as if one religion group is more favored by the government compared to other religions. Christian plays the majority and it has been a matter of concern of other religions to have equal consideration in government affairs. Recognizing and including minority religion in the government affairs would eliminate the issue of seeing as if Christians are more favored by the government than other religions.


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