Wealth and Resources
Every race has its own interests and needs that should be addressed. However, this is not usually the case since most of the wealth is not distributed to everyone equally. This kind of disparity has been left as it is and is seen as good. However, this is not the foundation on which civilization is based on. It is the direct opposite and there is a need to correct it. It is a fact that the laws of civilization have been ignored in the society and left for certain groups of people. There is a need to establish a feasible way to ensure that the wealth is distributed fairly in the society.
There is need to look after wealth and any surpluses either saved for future generations or given out to others who might not have an access to them. On the other hand, it can be given out to be used by the public. The first and the third methods allow the wealth to reach the few in the society. In the first instance where wealth is left to the descendants, this wealth will eventually diminish away from one generation to the other. This mode was mostly found in countries that practiced monarchy. Most of the wealth was left in the hands of the immediate first descendant (usually the first sons). Most of the successors, however, have found themselves in a state of poverty despite the fact that a lot of wealth was entrusted to them. It has been established that recipients of such wealth usually experience a lot of problems in their lifetime even though they might have great wealth.
On the contrary, it is argued that it is the duty of every parent to ensure that education of their sons is a priority. Failure to do that might make the sons to fall in poverty. A parent, who did not do that, should distribute wealth in moderate amounts to their sons. This, however, is a rare scenario in most cases although most wealthy persons usually strive to leave a good legacy behind.
Secondly, wealth left to the public is like disposal of the wealth. This wealth might or might not benefit the society. It is argued that wealth left in this way may not be appreciated. The reason to this reaction is due to the fact that most of these people only leave this wealth at the time of their death, otherwise they would have carried it away. The opinion of the public is that wealth such as estates should be taxed heavily. This is seen in some of the states around the world, for example Pennsylvania State. Therefore, being wealthy is important only when the individual is alive but it is a blessing at the time of his death to the community. This will be the only way to ensure that wealth is distributed to others in the community.
In summary, wealth should be used in a proper manner for the benefit of everyone. There should be no gap between the rich and the poor in the society. In this way, there would be no conflict between these two classes of people in the society. Harmony will exist since everyone will feel catered for. The poorer will be happy courtesy of the wealth of the rich in the society. At the same time, the wealthy will feel that their efforts and wealth have helped the society in their lifetime rather than wait until their death to give out their wealth5.
This document emphasizes the importance of wealth use in a good manner for the benefit of other people. In a society whereby different classes of people exist, the community should also access the wealth in one way or the other. In doing so, poverty will be history and it will give way for development.
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