As a merchant dealing in land in Boston, I am deeply troubled by Edmond Andros - the Dominion of New Englands heads - new policies on land whereby land speculation is prohibited (Lewis, 1974). I should note that before the 3rd July 1686 new leaders inauguration as head, local commerce in Boston - that is mainly supported by land business - was thriving. The planned draconian measures will thus greatly harm local business on which many Bostonians depend for sustenance. I should say that the land business is already hurting after news of the anticipated regulations broke out. This is because people are exhibiting a general lethargy towards dealing in land. Andros projected measures are thus an unnecessary meddling in Bostonian commerce.

To trace Andros controversial history as Dominion of New England head, I should say that he started erring when he tried to combine Englands autonomous colonies into one dominion. Andros did not consider the general sentiments among New England colonists who do not favor the consolidation of their security to fight the Indians and the French. It is therefore clear that Andros did not mind the welfare of the locals rather, he wanted to advance his personal misguided agendas. Some of such plans include the controversial arrangement to ban land speculation.

All patriots should thus unite in rejecting Andros harmful meddling in Bostonian affairs, especially with regard to his projected initiatives to ban land speculation. I should mention that Andros has exhibited a preposterous stance by seeking to annul the systems he found in existence in Boston.

Yours faithfully,

James Stewart.


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