Memoirs of the Great Depression Era

Just like the Holocaust of Germany that caused “Reign of Terror” in the political world—the experience of the Great Depression Era in the US caused so much misery and pain economically to each and every citizen that echoed and pierces down to the loneliest souls, young or old.

 Whatever may be the reasons to be blamed for their situation at that time-whether, it be the way Martin DeVries (who became rich during that era) views things at the microlevel as, the contributory factor was the buying of $20 branded clothing instead of an Arrow Shirt worth just $2 which he claims to be of total or great waste of money than saving for the days to come (McElvaine, R. 1983); or the Wall Street Market Crash that had “domino” effect not just in the American Economy but also brought precipitous effect around the world. To put things, the conditions at that time was just simply “very steep”. There was no one to be blamed—not even the government, but it was the people who suffered greatly.

Tom Kromer's Book (1986) “Waiting for Nothing” depicted and portrayed the story of a young man desperately and disparagingly looking for a job but no where to find one. Hence, was forced to live life in outrageous streets with fellow scavengers. But living in a far away farmland was not an exception at all : poverty and hunger was even worst. Dire appeal to authorities were of no resolve, the system was totally draining. The people and every situation getting restless.

This episode of Dark American History not only taught each citizen the value of moderate spending and securing resources for oneself, as well shedlight that governments must foresee things ahead in order to prevent another wreck of the Great Depression Experience.


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